The new short film Sauna Day, directed by Anna Hints and Tushar Prakash, was selected to premiere as the first Estonian film in the special programme of La Semaine de la Critique (Critics' Week) at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival.
Creative Europe is the European Commission's framework programme for support to the culture and audiovisual sectors for the periood 2014 - 2020. MEDIA sub-programme supports audiovisual sector initiatives, such as promoting the development, distribution, or access to audiovisual works.
For questions and assistance related to the programme Creative Europe Desks are in place in every participating country. Creative Europe Desk Estonia is based at the Estonian Film Insitute.
For more info please visit:
Two Estonian short animations Eeva and Dog Apartment are shortlisted for the Oscars
Two Estonian short animations Eeva and Dog Apartment are shortlisted for the Oscars.
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