The Conference "Film Education - Framework to impact" took place on August 27-28. 2020

Frame Work To Impact - MOOC presentation in Tallinn

Film Education: A User's Guide

Location: BFM, Vita Nova, Narva mnt 27, 10120 Tallinn

Conference Day 1 - August 27,  2020, VIRTUAL / REAL

09:15 – 10:00

Registration time & virtual welcome coffee

10:00 – 10:15

Opening speech by Edith Sepp, director of Estonian Film Institute

10:15 – 10:30

Welcome and inspirational speech – Introduction to “FRAMEWORK”
Points of Departure for film education in Estonia by Mikk Rand, EFI, film literacy leader

10:30 – 11:25

Keynote speech
MOOC “Film Education – Framework to impact” presentation by Mark Reid “what is film, why film education, how to create sustainable film edu infra..”

11:25 – 11:45

tea or coffee break

11:45 – 13:00

Short prepared (VIDEO) 6 presentations (up 7 min per) about the framework of film education by each country – presentation of the best practices. Q&A

13:00 – 14:00

(Networking) LUNCH

14:00 – 14:30
share nr.1

Filmmaking workshops in a virtual space I

Presentation by Dovilė Alėbaitė, project manager and educologist at Meno Avilys, a non-governmental organisation in Vilnius, Lithuania, with the focus on education and heritage of audiovisual media.

What benefits, if any, an online filmmaking workshop could bring? Dovilė Alėbaitė will reflect on this question by presenting resources, methods and results of the online workshops. The presentation is based on the experience of the project Big Small Screens. Media Literacy in Lithuanian Schools run by Meno avilys and the British Council.

14:30 – 15:00
share nr.2

Filmmaking workshops in a virtual space II

Presentation by Núria Aidelman, lecturer of cinema and photography at Pompeu Fabra University, author of articles for a range of books, codirector at A Bao A Qu, a non-profit cultural organization founded in 2004 and devoted to the conception and development of projects that link art, culture and education. Two of their main projects are the international programmes Cinema en curs (started in 2005) and Moving Cinema (2014). Both of them focus on the elaboration of methodologies and resources that enable students from 6 to 18 to discover actively cinema as art and creation, especially by linking viewing with creative practice, and the teacher training.
A Bao A Qu will share its experience in implementing Cinema en curs workshops in an online mode during the lockdown in 30 primary and secondary schools in several regions of Spain. Núria Aidelman will focus on the potential of their educational activity Shots of the world for engaging students. Also, she will show some works created by students during the lockdown period. 

15:00 – 15:15

Refreshing break

15:15 – 16:00

Why? How? What? Where?

Group chats on different aspects of film education (access to films, audience and goals, spaces, methodology, assessment and evaluation etc.) Moderated by experts of film education.

16:00 – 16:45

Finalizing session. panel discussion. Observer's keywords about conference. FILM IN THE SCHOOL. MATERIALS. Gathering emotions – NETWORKING POSSIBILITIES

16:45 – 17:00

Gathering emotions, ending the day – THANK YOU!

Frame Work To Impact - MOOC presentation  in Tallinn

Conference Day 2 - 28. of August 2020,  EST Real / virtual for observers

09:15 – 10:00

WS-registration in place & welcome coffee
Gathering, summary of WS (last day) on screen, work in groups

10:00 – 10:20

Inspirational speech “film-education in school”
Britt Järvet, Ministry of Education + Q&A

10:30 – 12:15

Workshop for Estonian teachers and vie observing for  international guests; workshops are preregistered and will happen' in same time, but different spots, participants are  divided, different languages
one by one Workshops are in broadcast.


Film analysis: A film in the curriculum, how a film is made, why it is made, how to understand film language. Leaded by Tristan Priimägi, film-critic


Film-literacy and  camera-and-light, practical work
WS leaded by Christian Johannes Kask, Widescreen


Fred Jüssi. Beauty of being – Nature on screen. Workshop are leaded by Aleksandr Fadeev and Alexandra Milyakina. Transmedia group from University of Tartu.


Animation and film. Film competence frame by frame. Animating common theme. Leaded by Helen Unt.

12:15 – 13:15

LUNCH break

13:15 – 15:00

WORKSHOP nr. 1-4 repeat

Participants change workshops' topics

15:00 – 15:30

Tea pause and coffee break

15:30 – 15:55

Short visionary key speech – Peep Pedmanson (animation expert, Estonian Film Institute) Point of view. Heritage in education.
By case of old estonian animation film “Rüblik”

16:00 – 16:45

Day summary – Maria Mang, BFM

16:45 – 17:00

Networking and going home - THANK YOU, we will see again!



All questions to:
Mikk Rand, film-competency
Estonian Film Institute


Ice and Fire Docs film projects have been selected

The creative documentary workshop Ice and Fire Docs, a joint project of Estonia and Finland, will start its fourth season in 2025. A high number of applications, altogether 28, to participate in the workshop were received this year.