The new short film Sauna Day, directed by Anna Hints and Tushar Prakash, was selected to premiere as the first Estonian film in the special programme of La Semaine de la Critique (Critics' Week) at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival.
Production: Itamambuca
Writers: Eero Epner, Tarmo Jüristo
Directors: Rainer Sarnet, Juhan Ulfsak, Marianne Kõrver, Jan-Erik Nõgisto
Producer: Paul Aguraiuja
Cinematographers: Meelis Veeremets, Ants Martin Vahur, Mihkel Soe
Production Designer: Kairi Mändla
Cast: Sergo Vares, Priit Võigemast, Evelin Võigemast, Gert Raudsep, Kati Outinen, Markus Luik, Inga Salurand
Budget: 1,500,000.-
EFI support: 781,000.-
Premiere: Autumn 2018
10-episode drama series “The Bank” is based on a true story in the turbulent Estonian 90ties. Personal dramas will unfold using the historic events as a backdrop, with the characters constantly re-evaluating the currency rates and their personal values.
Two Estonian short animations Eeva and Dog Apartment are shortlisted for the Oscars
Two Estonian short animations Eeva and Dog Apartment are shortlisted for the Oscars.
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